

目前显示的是 九月, 2023的博文

Introduction by Jony Ive

  This is a book with very few words. It is about our products, their physical nature, and how they were made. While this is a design book, it is not about the design team, the creative process, or product development. It is an objective representation of our work that, ironically, describes who we are. It describes how we work, our values, our preoccupations, and our goals. We have always hoped to be defined by what we do rather than by what we say. The actual products are, of course, incontrovertible. We have attempted to develop an approach to representing them that is equally impartial. The photography is analytical and spare, free from personal voice and its consequent subjectivity. We begin this archive with the translucent iMac of 1998, and we conclude with the Apple Pencil of 2015. We have not included all our work in the interim, only those products that seem significant, that demonstrate learning, or for which we simply have affection. The decision to...

Designed by Apple in California

  Jony Ive: We're a small design team. We've worked together for 20, 25 years. One of the things that we've learned is the importance of listening, because, as we all know, the very best ideas can very often come 7 from the quietest voice. Ideas are extremely fragile. Ideas are not predictable in terms of when you'll have them and how many you're going to have. And so over the years, we've really created a team and an environment that I think really increases the probability of good ideas, and when they actually arrive, I think nurtures them. The design studio really is a workshop. We design three-dimensional objects, and we make lots and lots of models and prototypes. Designing and making really should be inseparable. For every finished product that you see, tools had to be designed, process had to be created and experimented with. We've worked very hard to create a singular studio that has all of these different facets. The hallmark of the g...

产品随想 | 周刊 第95期:山水中无得失,得失在人心也

理學叢書   https://book.douban.com/series/739 星光璀璨 Gaatii光体   http://www.gaatii.com/ 他家装帧与印刷,品味挺在线的 OURS Project - DIY Open-Source Linux Smartphone   https://github.com/evanman83/OURS-project Step-by-step instructions to build a smartphone that is open-source, upgradeable, repairable, and Big Tech free. 好浪漫的项目,自己制作属于自己的开源手机 OpenFarm   https://github.com/openfarmcc/OpenFarm A free and open database for farming and gardening knowledge. You can grow anything! 如果失业了,回家当农民 Beepy   https://github.com/beeper/beepy Beepy is a portable computing device, with a beautiful high contrast, high resolution display, and a tactile keyboard + touchpad, it is the ultimate everyday hacking gadget. 便携式Linux 张灏:殷海光先生的理想主义道路——从公共知识分子谈起   https://www.aisixiang.com/data/66691.html 张是海光的学生 《看不見的設計》日本庭園大師——枡野俊明的無常之美   https://medium.com/mountain-birds-tw/看不見的設計-日本庭園大師-枡野俊明的無常之美-d2742b89077 翁万戈 Wan-Go Weng   https://book.douban.com/author/4617960/ 帝师翁同龢的五世孙,也是美国的华人社会活动家 How the ...

macOS 内核之 OS X 系统的起源

原始Link:https://justinyan.me/post/4078  非常感謝!   前面的文章都在讲内核代码细节,实在有点费脑,这次我们来聊点轻松的历史故事吧。现在我们已经知道 macOS 的内核主要是由 BSD 和 Mach 组成,但是为什么是这样的混合设计呢? Amit Singh 的 Mac OS X Internals 一书在开头就介绍了从 Apple OS X 诞生的历史,几年前刚买这本书的时候我还觉得为啥讲这么长的故事一直不进入“干货”部分。现在回过头来看,正是作者介绍了这段历史,后面内核中一些有点疑惑的地方才顺理成章。 本文主要来自 Amit Singh 书中所述,再加上我查阅的资料所写。年代久远,如有谬误,烦请诸位不吝雅正。 一、苹果公司早期(1972-1991) 乔布斯(Steve Jobs)和史蒂夫·沃茲尼克(Steve Wozniak) 1976 创办苹果公司,关于这家公司的故事已经广为流传,OS X 的诞生也与乔布斯后来的回归息息相关。我们知道乔布斯离开苹果后创办了 NeXT 公司,也知道今天我们开发的 iOS/macOS 系统跟 NeXTSTEP 系统有千丝万缕的关系。但是乔布斯一回归 NeXTSTEP 就变成今天的 macOS 了吗?并不是,历史的道路是非常曲折的。 时间回到 1977 年,乔布斯在 West Coast Computer Faire 发布了 Apple II 这款个人电脑,这是苹果公司对外发售的第一款消费级个人电脑。这款产品大获成功,也让两位创始人成为百万富翁。 1984 年 1 月 22 日,苹果在超级碗(Super Bowl)中场休息时播放了一个堪称历史经典的广告—— 《1984》 ,以此发布新产品 Macintosh 计算机。 但是在苹果公司内部,与 Macintosh 研发的同一时期,乔布斯还带领了一个团队开发 Lisa 电脑(1983 年发布)。现在我们知道这是一个失败的产品,并且乔布斯也于 1985 年被董事会赶出了苹果,后来自己创办了 NeXT 公司。 一晃四年过去,1988 年苹果的团队在开会讨论下一代操作系统应该带上什么特性。他们在白板上用三种颜色的便利贴表示不同的 idea: 蓝色 是对现有系统的改进,最终将合入 System 7 版本 粉红色...

Japanese Zen Buddhist Philosophy

  Japanese Zen Buddhist Philosophy First published Wed Jun 28, 2006; substantive revision Wed Jul 31, 2019 Zen aims at the perfection of personhood. To this end, sitting meditation called “ za-zen ” is employed as a foundational method of prāxis across the different schools of this Buddha-Way—which is not an ideology, but a way of living. Through za-zen the Zen practitioner attempts to embody non-discriminatory wisdom vis-à-vis the meditational experience known as “ satori ” (enlightenment). A process of discovering wisdom culminates, among other things, in the experiential apprehension of the equality of all thing-events. The most distinguishing feature of this school of the Buddha-Way is its contention that wisdom, accompanied by compassion, is expressed in the everyday lifeworld when associating with one’s self, other people, and nature. The everyday lifeworld for most people is an evanescent transforming stage in which living is consumed, philosophically speaking, by...