“I really enjoy doing furniture, and I look at it as a kind of unfinished business.” ——Charles Eames Architecture was better when we did not have “high technology” like computers. Great architecture takes time to design and build. In contrast, the computer is a tool to save time. Therefore, it is not necessary to use a computer to make great architecture. ——坂茂 Somehow我同意一部分它的看法 但计算机远远不是仅仅节省时间,还可以是提高建筑精度的另一种方式(只是想掌握这个方式,你需要投入比较多的时间来学习) Q: To whom does design address itself: To the greatest number? To the specialists or the enlightened amateur? To a privileged social class? A: Each project is designed according to the client’s program and requests—some are for the great number of people, some are for the specialists, and some are for the privileged. More generally, I am disappointed by my profession of architects, because we mainly work for the privileged. I want to work for the general public and even people who lost their houses because of natural disasters. 对坂茂更加尊重,足够的诚实、自省 Design Q...
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