原文:https://www.douban.com/note/218846465/?_i=9198689js_iqn0 1.“所有伟大的表演家都拥有一双饱含深意的明眸。就是从那里,我看到了你看不懂的东西。我就想成为这样的演奏者。” -- “All the great performers had something in their eyes. It was that 'I know something that you don't know.' And I wanted to be that kind of performer.” 2.“60年代的故事,就像飞碟登陆一样。每个人都听说过,但很少有人亲眼见过。”--"The 60s was like a UFO landing. A lot of people heard about it, but very few actually saw it." 3.“英雄是懂得责任与自由同在的人。”--"I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom." 4.“我能做的一切就是做我自己,你管我是谁。”--”All i can do is be myself, whoever that is" 5.“这世间所谓的真相都在累积一个巨大的谎言。”--"All the truth in the world add up to one big lie" 6.“实际上,你要抑制自己的野心,这样你才能成为你应该成为的人。”--“Basically you have to suppress your own ambitions in order to be who you need to be.” 7.“被关注是一个负担。耶稣把自己钉在十字架上是因为他发现自己被关注了,所以我经常失踪。”--“Being noticed can be a burden. Jesus got himself crucified because he got himself...
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