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Mac Mini的酷炫外壳嚴搏非 https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hk/严搏非?useskin=vector
季风图书创始人FlClash https://github.com/chen08209/FlClash
A multi-platform proxy client based on ClashMeta,simple and easy to use, open-source and ad-free.GUI.for.Clash https://github.com/GUI-for-Cores/GUI.for.Clash
A GUI program developed by vue3 + wails.mihomo-party https://github.com/mihomo-party-org/mihomo-party
Another Mihomo GUI.Create a brand like Apple's by asking these simple questions https://www.brandstrategysarah.com/blog/Apple-brand-strategy
Invisible Details of Interaction Design https://rauno.me/craft/interaction-design
One Year with Dot: Jason’s Story https://new.computer/jason
Essential,一场探寻人机关系「本质」的无果之旅 https://sspai.com/prime/story/essential-phone
Simple mind map https://github.com/wanglin2/mind-map
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中国版数字游民指南Licklider 1960 https://karpathy.ai/blog/licklider1960.html
Man-Computer Symbiosis https://groups.csail.mit.edu/medg/people/psz/Licklider.html
计算机先驱的视野,整整跨越60年OpenAI Structure https://openai.com/our-structure/
We designed OpenAI’s structure—a partnership between our original Nonprofit and a new capped profit arm—as a chassis for OpenAI’s mission: to build artificial general intelligence (AGI) that is safe and benefits all of humanity.What Are AI Agents—And Who Profits From Them? https://every.to/napkin-math/what-are-ai-agents-and-who-profits-from-them-7c91ab09-316b-4109-94a4-14f416b3e351
President of Patek Philippe: ‘I am, by far, the watchmaker who knows his customers best’ https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/swiss-made/president-of-patek-philippe-i-am-by-far-the-watchmaker-who-knows-his-customers-best/76835225
“You never actually own a Patek Philippe. You merely look after it for the next generation”
“In our family, we don’t just pass the watches down the generations. We pass the whole company,” he says.
“I have one vision for Patek, and that is to have the highest level of quality. Quality and quantity don’t get along. Ask Picasso to reproduce the same picture 20 times—it is not possible, and also, he would never do it. It’s the same for Patek.”
CEO Thierry Stern On Why Patek Philippe Will Stay Family-Owned https://www.forbes.com/sites/christianbarker/2019/12/09/ceo-thierry-stern-on-why-patek-philippe-will-stay-family-owned/
Gérald Genta https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gérald_Genta?useskin=vector
打造了顶尖的几个手表系列Gérald Genta Created the Royal Oak, Nautilus, and More. Here’s What to Know About the Famed Watch Designer. https://robbreport.com/style/watch-collector/gerald-genta-2864111/
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