"My first impulse is to seek beauty and serenity rather than adhere to one period or style."
——JAYA IBRAHIMReading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.
——Of Studies,Francis Bacon
读书使人充实,讨论使人聪明,写作使人严谨 —— 可能是张一鸣说的少读点书,多刷刷抖音吧 https://1q43.blog/post/2233
本质还是鼓励,多介入感受生活,自己的生活与别人的生活哈德良 https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hk/哈德良?useskin=vector
但从他的作品里,能看到非常多谦虚的影子丈夫拥书万卷,何假南面百城 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1V54y1V7Yz/
丈夫擁書萬卷,何假南面百城Zen in the Art of Archery
书籍推荐First of all, come to appreciate the contributions of artists of all forms, not just following our traditional definitions of art. The best programmers I’ve met are artists and treat programming as much more of an art form than a science.
Bran Ferren on the Art of Innovation https://www.strategy-business.com/article/00381
任何领域,做到巅峰,其实都是艺术,而不仅仅是技术A more contemporary example is the iPhone — a communications-centric computer, designed in the form of a smartphone.
这个对iPhone的定义,我非常喜欢Only a few creative companies, like Apple or Disney, work this way. They are led by talented people who function like movie directors, driving the creative development process and personally deciding what will work. Like Steve Jobs at Apple. This model is very talent-driven. You don’t set up teams that operate through consensus. You pick and empower an individual “talent star,” or they pick themselves and create the company, and you’re making the bet on his or her success.
Danny Hillis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_Hillis?useskin=vector
最新的动作是在Long Now Foundation“Creating and leading a great company is just as much an art as making a film is. It is not science.”
Applied Minds https://www.appliedminds.com/
这家公司做的事情,感觉蛮有趣的Bran Ferren: To create for the ages, let's combine art and engineering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qT3RpaBlJo
这位在做的事情,也是结合技术与艺术Git 的故事:這一次沒這麼好玩 https://blog.brachiosoft.com/posts/git/#
所以其实Git也不是横空出世,也有非常多的前期尝试以及许多人不懈的努力毀滅戰士們:草創之初 https://blog.brachiosoft.com/posts/doom-1/
游戏也是一门艺术“Clothes must and can...form an organically inseparable whole with the woman wearing them....”
——Lily Reich
这些有才华的设计师,果然都是差不多的思维,三宅一生,扎哈哈迪德Charles Rennie Mackintosh https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Rennie_Mackintosh?useskin=vector
Modern architecture https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_architecture?useskin=vector
Deutscher Werkbund https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutscher_Werkbund?useskin=vector
德国制造联盟I’d love to get an award for simply creating one of the greatest-ever MIT hacks. It was so much fun! Each student could learn how and then design their own silicon chip. They didn’t know VLSI had just been invented; they didn’t even need to understand it when they started. They were just given the minimum set of knowledge needed to start making things.
— Lynn Conway乔布斯背后的男人:埋头做了 20 年幻灯片,让苹果发布会更完美 https://36kr.com/p/1211548052459394
Stevenote https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stevenote?useskin=vector
对话拼多多黄峥:他们建帝国、争地盘,我要错位竞争 https://36kr.com/p/1722405945345
发现网友的这句话,居然很好地表达了对乔布斯的评价,神奇How Vannevar Bush Engineered the 20th Century https://spectrum.ieee.org/vannevar-bush
Kay said, “I don’t want to make a smarter computer; I want to use computers to make people smarter.”
Alan Kay's Reading List http://www.squeakland.org/resources/books/readingList.jsp
The following list was prepared by Alan Kay for his students. We share it for those who want to learn more about some of the writing that influenced him and the creation of Etoys.“I don’t know one car company whose leaders think self-driving cars is their future.”
Products 玛拉蒂家具/座椅: https://www.maratti.com.cn/ 上海的一家办公家具供应商,公司实际坐过,非常舒服 DocuSign: https://www.docusign.com/ 给PDF电子签名,看评价有不错的声誉 https://bridges.torproject.org/ 获取Tor网桥 塞冬: https://www.zhihu.com/people/qiancai_saidong 此人的长文分析,挺有insight,来自北大 公众号平台已沉默 客观来说,韩国有什么地方超越了日本和中国? - 塞冬的回答 - 知乎 https://www.zhihu.com/question/60428819/answer/369420091 高端造船、芯片闪存、显示技术 Design 折叠屏设计的一些思考: 10多年前互联网的网站设计: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/OdFjta4Wetp1p67bRrmYqw https://archive.ph/TdI1L Business & Market data 未来人口四倍于中国的非洲,我们该如何面对: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/7V2IgW3db1uRR3_wa8S1OQ 在数十年后,非洲也会是类似于印度、东南亚那样的机会 周深在节目中唱歌:一般2首,120W+ 一个有些违反认知的事实是,1966年的上海综合工业实力媲美台湾、香港。 https://metrics.torproject.org/userstats-relay-country.html Tor的运营系列数据 牢记:中国还是一个人均中位数年收入只有2.2万元、90%的三口之家年收入低于20万、20%的三口之家年收入低于1万8的发展中大国。 全国人均GDP尚未达到1万美元(欧洲落后地区水平),最富裕的京沪人均GDP也刚摸到2万美元门槛(欧洲中等偏下水平) 美国家庭收入中位数是42万人民币(税前),家庭税前年收入75万人民币可以打败3/4的美国家庭,120万可以打败90%,160万可以打败95%(2017-2018,基于2014美国普查数据预估,如下图) 超低生育率养成记: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/C80z...