
Tencent Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript


  • Turning to mini programs, we're now serving more than 1.1 billion users on a monthly basis, and their engagement grew significantly as time spent per DAU increased double digit year on year in the second quarter. Four million developers participate in our mini program ecosystem, offering a breadth of mini programs ranging from public services and productivity tools to AI-powered photo editors. Today, I would like to walk you through our recent success in mini games as a vertical use case example. Mini games engage over 400 million MAU and 300,000 game developers -- build a point that mini program framework.
    Both leading game companies and smaller studios actively develop and operate mini games, including casual games, card games, and many other types of games. In the second quarter, more than 100 mini games each achieved quarterly gross receipts of over 10 million RMB. The strong growth of mini games demonstrates a compelling value proposition for developers. Firstly, for developers with innovative game concepts, we help them to reduce entry barriers and launch costs.
    They can build a user base through social sharing, pre-existing login, and instant play infrastructure offered by the Weixin ecosystem. Secondly, for developers with successful app games when enabling them to extend their reach to a new audience of non-app users by porting to mini games. Thirdly, developers can benefit from advancement in mini games' infrastructure, leveraging our know-how and game technology. For example, our infrastructure can now support sophisticated genres, such as shooters, with fast loading and smooth gameplay.
    Mini games also provide Tencent with significant strategic value. First, through mini games, we host the largest casual game community in China with hundreds of millions of MAU, substantially exceeding the MAU of the largest app-based casual games in the market. Second, mini games allow us to expand our audience base and cultivate new gamers. Over 50% of mini games MAU do not play Tencent app games, and half of mini games MAU are female.
    Finally, mini games provide us with game distribution and ad revenues characterized by high margins and platform economics as opposed to hit-driven dynamics. From a reporting perspective, we report net platform fees to Tencent instead of gross user spend as revenue, and we allocate these fees to social networks subsegment instead of games subsegment. Therefore, growth in third-party mini games does not benefit our game segment revenue but flows through to our vast segment in the form of high-margin revenues. Developers can also buy advertising and contribute to our advertising revenue.

  • And then we saw it still fast but not as fast growth in May, June, and that continues in July. We continue to see all ad categories, except automotive, up double digits year on year as we -- in recent weeks. I think that looking forward through the rest of the year, obviously, advertising does depend, to some extent, on domestic consumption trends. But it's important to bear in mind that, first of all, domestic consumption trends weren't that good during the second quarter, and yet we grew 34% year on year.

  • So, overall, certainly very cognizant of the macro risks, but there's been macro risk all year, and optimistic that we'll continue outgrowing the industry through the rest of the year.

  • The training is actually on track and making very good progress. We have started internal testing in our different businesses, including games, ads cloud, fintech for them to start testing the model and start working on the integration. In terms of the performance of the model so far, I think, based on our own testing, it's among the top leading foundation models produced in China. And we are very relentlessly working on the upgrade and the iteration, right, to prepare it for launch at some point of time in the latter part of this year.

  • For example, Tencent Meeting has already been deploying a model that is developed by one of our investee companies to provide a summary of the meeting notes. And it's actually providing pretty good user experience and productivity gains for the customers. So, I think we are actually embracing generative AI on multiple fronts, and they are all making very good progress. And over the mid to long run, we believe this is actually a very positive driver for our business.

  • On the game question, then we believe that the primary driver of the flat domestic game revenue in the second quarter was not lack of new titles. We did launch some PC game titles. We didn't launch many mobile game titles, but even if we had, our revenue [Inaudible] means that will contribute more later in the year than during the second quarter. The primary factor was our decision to temporarily release less commercially impactful content.
    During the first quarter, we released the large quantity of commercially impactful content that resulted in our game grossing receipts increasing quite notably, substantially more than our game domestic revenue. And then in the second quarter, we took sort of a pause period, and in the third quarter, we've resumed releasing this commercially impactful content. In terms of the longevity of our evergreen games spend, we cited some data points around both bigger and smaller games as well as around some of the newer games that we hope to cultivate into evergreen status, including Fight of the Golden Spatula, including Arena Breakout, including Wild Rift. And I think in general, if you compare our competitive eSports type evergreen titles with more content driven titles, then there's a gigantic difference in terms of retention.
    And for many of our competitive eSports titles, there are actually periods and Fight of the Golden Spatula has been doing this in recent months, where net churn is negative, meaning that new content, in this case, Set-9 has caused more returning users or more lapsed users to return to the game, then we actually churned out of the game, which is something you don't really see in contact driven games. So, we have many years of experience of operating evergreen games. Some of our earlier evergreen games, like League of Legends and Honor of Kings are still very healthy today in terms of users and monetization. One aspect of operating those games for decades rather than years or quarters is alternating between heavier commercialization quarters versus lighter commercialization quarters.
    But the benefit is those games are popular and enduring for decades, and that's what we now also hope to achieve with the new would-be evergreen games such as Fight of the Golden Spatula, Arena Breakout, or Wild Rift. Thank you.

  • So, I think there's a number of both longer-term and more immediate opportunities in the immediate but also ongoing opportunities. Then, if you look at video accounts, ad load is a tiny fraction of what our peers are already operating at. And so going forward, we will progressively enhance our ad load and that translates mechanically into more revenue. In addition, our peers generate around half of their advertising revenue from endemic or sort of native advertisers who are conducting e-commerce within their short video services.

  • So, as we grow the e-commerce within the video accounts, leveraging our existing mini program and Tenpay infrastructure, we're in a good place to cultivate that approximate doubling in advertising revenue opportunity. And then as Martin discussed, the time spent, which is the ultimate raw material for advertising revenue in video accounts almost doubled year-on-year as well. So, a very long runway for video accounts driven by higher times spent, driven by normalizing ad load, driven by cultivation of endemic advertisers. Then in terms of advertising technology, and if you look at the big ad tech-driven companies in the West, such as Meta, that's a never-ending journey in terms of just continuing to invest more in CPU and then GPU-driven machine learning infrastructure, continuing to enhance the neural network models for doing the ad targeting, continuing to shrink the rate at which you update the models through weekly, to daily, to hourly, to minute by minute to real-time, and that's a gift that appears to never stop giving.
    讲出了诗意,哈哈哈,that's a gift that appears to never stop giving.

  • In terms of e-commerce, I would say, before the launch of video accounts and live streaming e-commerce, right, we already have a lot of commerce activities that's happening on our mini programs. That's in the trillions of annualized GMV range. And I think out of that, a meaningful portion is actually related to physical products, e-commerce. So, I think if you look at physical product, e-commerce GMV, it's exceeding 1 trillion RMB in terms of annualized GMV.

  • And if you look at live streaming, right, that's a new source of revenue and a new series of e-commerce activities. And so far, the size of it is in the tens of billions RMB annualized run rate. So, that's why we feel that it's actually sort of at a very early stage of development. But the fundamental difference here is that these are e-commerce revenues that we can charge a take rate.
    And at the same time, it actually helps a lot of the merchants to acquire new customers, right? If you look at the mini programs' e-commerce activities, the merchants are essentially using their own channels to serve existing customers and try to drive repeat purchases from existing customers, whereas in the live streaming e-commerce activity is they're actually leveraging this platform to market their products and services to a new set of customers, right? And so, it actually represent a different dynamics and at the same time, without -- it complements the mini program e-commerce activities as well over time. So, I would say, the live streaming e-commerce activity is a very nice addition to the overall e-commerce activities within the overall ecosystem. And it would actually be much more revenue generating for us as well because it generates commissionary revenue. It also generates more advertising within video accounts because all these merchants will be spending ad dollars in order to drive new customers into their live streaming e-commerce sessions.

  • Well, why don't I talk about the synergies versus competition, and perhaps John will give you some thoughts on the first part of your question? On the dynamic, in general, we see three broad categories of games in China today. There are competitive eSports type games that handled properly are relatively evergreen in nature. And we have a very strong position in that market with all of the top games. And now with Wild Rift, Arena Breakout, and Fight of the Golden Spatula, we believe we're nurturing three more of those games.
    And they are evergreen in nature, and they'll be generating cash flow for us for decades rather than years to come, we think. Then secondly, there's the more story or content-driven games, which historically has been a weaker area for us. There's been a number of very good launches by our competitors in the last few months, including -- well, anyway. And we think that, that signals to some extent a renaissance in that category, and we would like to participate over time in that renaissance.
    So, we have some big narrative driven content-rich games in development, and time will tell how successful they are. But for us, it's sort of greenfield and largely upside. And then thirdly, there are casual games. And if you look at the Western world, then every year or two there's a new app-based casual game and among us sort of four guys that generates great attention, especially among younger users and then typically reaches a certain point and then declines from that point.
    But the really big development in the past five years, which we've been following extremely closely, has been the emergence of platforms, in particular the Roblox platform. And while the individual app-based games come and go in the casual category, in the platforms, then the individual experiences also come and go, but the platforms appear to -- in extra to be -- grow in terms of both users and revenue. So, we believe that the right way to address the casual game opportunity is primarily -- not entirely, but primarily through the platform model. We have a platform that is over five times bigger than any single app-based casual game in terms of users and also in terms of revenue, and it's growing at an extremely rapid rate year-on-year as new casual game experiences appear on that platform.
    In terms of the cannibalization, then there's three sort of broad buckets of users of roughly similar size. One bucket is those who have historically played app and client-based games continues to do so, do not play the mini games. A second bucket is those who had not previously played Tencent games at all and are only now playing Tencent mini games. And then a third bucket is those who do both.
    And we don't see any evidence of cannibalization because even for those who do both, they're generally playing different kinds of games, different dayparts for the mini games versus what they're doing through the app-based or client-based games. So, in our view, the mini game platform is largely incremental rather than cannibalistic to our app-based games. It gets us into this big emerging casual game opportunity, and it gets us into it in a way that we think is the best way to get into it, which is as a Roblox-like platform rather than as a stand-alone app with a stand-alone game experience that flourishes for a period of time and then it gives way to the next hit.
    ──非常经典的游戏战略描述!!! 1)常青的竞技类游戏;2)尝试切入内容/故事驱动的游戏品类;3)休闲类游戏品类-通过微信小游戏来构建平台来实现(类比于Roblox)

  • Why don't I start on both of those, and Martin may supplement? So, on the competitive environment for games, I'll repeat some of the answers to the last question, which is we see these three broad categories. One being the more competitive eSports games where we already have a very strong presence. We're doubling down on that with the success of the three new eSports games we've talked about. A second being the more content or narrative-driven games where competition has intensified, a number of companies have brought some good games to market recently.
    That doesn't come at our expense because historically we generate very little revenue in that category, rather it's a category that we're looking forward to entering more actively in the years to come. And then thirdly, with the casual games, where there's a number of industry peers who are sort of seeking to be among us, and we're seeking to be Roblox. And that's fine, both businesses are good businesses, but we certainly are very happy with the business choice we have made of adopting the platform approach. So, that's on the game competition aspect.
    In terms of the sensitivity to the macro environment, then if we just touch briefly on each of advertising, fintech and games. Starting with games, while it was clearly not the best quarter for our domestic game revenue, I think that was completely unrelated to macro. In fact, in an environment where macro is challenged, consumers are shifting to lower ticket price experiences, consumers are shifting from goods to services, in theory is pretty good for the game industry. And as a parallel, I'd point you to the movie theater industry in China, the movie ticketing where, as you may know, movie ticketing has been extremely strong in the last two to three months as people look for affordable entertainment driven experiences rather than highly priced luxuries and so forth.

  • So, I think the game business both in China and globally, historically has not been economically cyclical and we don't believe it will become economically cyclical now in China. In terms of the advertising business, that could be economically cyclical. It should be economically cyclical. However, it's not sensitive so much to net exports or property prices.
    It's more directly sensitive to consumption spending. And so far, consumption spending has been recovering albeit at a very gradual measured pace. Again, we believe that whatever happens going forward to the macro environment and if net exports and real estate and so forth eventually impact consumer, that we will outperform because we're in the early stages of monetizing video accounts because we're in the early stages of deploying ad tech and because we deliver very high ROIs, which mean advertisers should stay with us for longer.And then on the fintech business and particularly the commercial payments within fintech, that does reflect economic activity, particularly consumer activity somewhat in real-time. And so, I think that, that is the business where macro variable plays the most into our revenue fluctuations.
    We do have a number of different services within fintech beyond the immediate commercial payments. We talked about how in this supportive regulatory environment, we look forward to extending and launching new such services, but a commercial payment is probably the area where for better or worse, we're most directly exposed to macroeconomic fluctuations on a month-to-month basis. Thank you.

  • So, if I want to add right now, I would say on the Banhao side, we actually are very excited about the issuance of Banhaos because the gaming industry is really driven by innovation and without innovation, the market doesn't grow. And I think the fact that we have seen a growth in the overall market is because of the fact that we are seeing new innovations of new games. So, when the overall market expanding, I think we benefit, we'll be bringing new titles to the market. And at the same time, I think if you look at the mini cash -- at the mini games platform, right, it actually benefits from the fact that there is more and more innovation within the market.

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  2022.3.5 涉及的案例整理 海康威视(有限合伙妙用) 复星(金字塔) 《罗辑思维》(初始股权分配不合理) 一号店(同床异梦) 平安集团(进军互联网的操盘) 蚂蚁金服(有限合伙架构,钱权分离,GP出资少但四两拨千斤,高人!) 红星美凯龙(艰辛坎坷,初始股权不合理) 公牛(混合股权架构,很经典的民营企业家架构,如果加上信托更完美) 巨轮股份(“走出去”架构,收购全世界!) 龙湖地产(境外搭建的5层架构成为红筹架构之典范,关注顶层架构的信托) UC浏览器收购(VIE,税收追缴) 顺丰借壳(多元化很难做好) 麻辣诱惑(夫妻店的股权设计,高人!) 安井(与上下游合作的股权结构) 万科、碧桂园的跟投制度 周黑鸭(境外架构与龙湖地产很类似) 正荣地产 美图公司(VIE架构) 富贵鸟 自序 所有的股权架构中都藏着一个“隐形股东”——税务局! “税负考量”、“法律考量”是“哼哈二将” 打通法律、税务、财务、管理四门学科的边界 精选了小米、蚂蚁金服、碧桂园、顺丰控股、万科地产、海底捞、公牛集团等30家名企案例和126张股权架构图 第一部分顶层架构分为3章。24个核心持股比、分股不分权的7种方法、分股的“道”和“术” 第二部分主体架构分为6章。6种主体架构模型:有限合伙架构、自然人直接架构、控股公司架构、混合股权架构、海外股权架构、契约型架构 第三部分底层架构分为3章。3种模型:创新型子公司、复制型子公司和拆分型子公司 第四部分架构重组分为3章。拟上市型、家族传承型、被并购型3类企业 “我们以为在驾驭股权,其实是股权在驾驭我们。” 第一部分 顶层架构 第1章 解码24个核心持股比 将公司分成4类:有限公司、非公众股份公司、新三板公司[1]和上市公司。 [1] 属于非上市公众公司。 有限公司:股东是基于股东间的信任而集合在一起,股东间的关系较为紧密;股东人数有上限,不超过50人; 非公众股份公司:股份公司的股份转让没有限制。 新三板,即全国中小企业股份转让系统 第2章 分股不分权的7种方法 分“钱”而不分“权”,7种控制权设计工具。在实务中,应用频次排序依次为有限合伙企业>金字塔架构>一致行动人>委托投票权>公司章程控制>优先股>AB股模式。 有限合伙企业中,股东不是直接持股拟设立的核心公司 [1] ,而是先由股东搭建有限合伙企业作为持股平台,再由持股平台间接持有核心公司。 通过

产品随想 | 读《置身事内:中国政府与经济发展》 第四章至第六章

第四章 工业化中的政府角色 我国经济改革的起点是计划经济,所以地方政府掌握着大量资源(土地、金融、国企等),不可避免会介入实业投资。 经济学的数学模型和统计数据不是讲道理的唯一形式,也不一定是最优形式,具体的案例故事常常比抽象的道理更有力量,启发更大。(1)在行业或产业研究中,案例常常包含被模型忽视的大量重要信息,尤其是头部企业的案例。依赖企业财务数据的统计分析,通常强调行业平均值。但平均值信息有限,因为大多数行业“二八分化”严重,头部企业与中小企业基本没有可比性。财务数据也无法捕捉大企业的关键特征:大企业不仅是技术的汇聚点和创新平台,也是行业标准的制定者和产业链核心,与政府关系历来深厚复杂,在资本主义世界也是如此。 ──需要判断,而不仅仅是数据,具体工作中,亦如是 本章结构: 前两节是两个行业案例:液晶显示和光伏。 第三节介绍近些年兴起的政府产业投资基金,这种基金不仅是一种新的招商引资方式和产业政策工具,也是一种以市场化方式使用财政资金的探索。 第一节 京东方与政府投资 显示屏和电视,硬件成本近八成来自液晶显示面板。 2008年,面板行业由日韩和中国台湾企业主导,大陆企业的市场占有率可以忽略不计。2012年,我国进口显示面板总值高达500亿美元,仅次于集成电路、石油和铁矿石。 ──原来液晶面板,也曾被如此卡脖子 在显示面板企业的发展过程中,地方政府的投资发挥了关键作用。以规模最大也最重要的公司京东方为例,其液晶显示面板在手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑、电视等领域的销量近些年来一直居于全球首位。(2)根据其2020年第三季度的报告,前六大股东均是北京、合肥、重庆三地国资背景的投资公司,合计占股比例为23.8%。其中既有综合类国资集团(如北京国有资本经营管理中心),也有聚焦具体行业的国有控股集团(如北京电子控股),还有上一章讨论的地方城投公司(如合肥建投和重庆渝富)。投资方式既有直接股权投资,也有通过产业投资基金(见本章第三节)进行的投资。 ──非常典型的案例,学习之 大陆花了近20年才让彩电工业价值链的95%实现了本土化,但由于没跟上液晶显示的技术变迁,一夜之间价值链的80%又需要依赖进口。 ──创新跟不上的代价,又是新的15年 2001年至2006年,三星、LG、奇美、友达、中华映管、瀚宇彩晶等六家主要企业,在韩国和中国台湾召开了共计53次“晶体会议”,协商作价和联合


护具里面:护臀是穿给缆车的,护膝是穿给自己的,护甲是穿给鱼雷的。雪镜是必须的,镜片要尽量选择增透,国内雪场背阴的情况要多于正阳直晒的情况,因为这样可以减少雪的蒸发。所以偏振的增透的会比金属镀膜高光的更实用,当然选择一款变色的或者是多镜片的也可以 带雪镜尽量不要带近视眼镜在里面,非常的危险。带隐形眼镜是好选择。那种专门卡雪镜里面的蝴蝶镜架也不是个很好的选择,在受到撞击以后,近视镜,蝴蝶镜都会第一时间冲击你的鼻梁,我已经见过好几个摔跤鼻梁划破的,都是带眼镜造成的 如果你一定要带,那么选择专门能够带近视镜的雪镜,那样的雪镜的特点是视野在眼镜两侧有增加,不会因为眼镜框影响视野,UVEX就有这样的款式 作者:奥玛 链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/20741286/answer/57935582 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 1. 崇礼: 行:开车就不说了,注意张承高速入口不远的张家口服务区过了以后的那个摄像头,限速80。冬奥会修条绕开八高的高速,北京人的和路过北京的人的福音。北京的话有长途车直达崇礼,雪季还有山脉捷运中巴可以选择。而且北京俱乐部活动几乎每周都有。外地的目前是可以先到张家口,然后打车或者坐长途中巴,大巴。从火车站到长途车站很折腾。冬奥会有城际快速铁路绕过张家口直达太子城奥运村,但是离崇礼县城还有20公里。奥运村有到崇礼县城的直通车,不过也挺折腾。 住:崇礼现成满眼都是宾馆,普遍价格目前还不离谱。还有很多家庭旅馆,(小广告)我的好朋友小娇家庭旅馆是我很推荐的,干净,方便(你拎着雪具爬一楼方便,还是没电梯的6楼方便?),吃的好,小娇人很仗义,来的都是老客户,关系处的非常好。另外崇礼县城的一些连锁快捷酒店也都有,汉庭,格林豪泰。你也可以住雪场,长城岭宾馆很干净,出门就是长城岭雪场,吃的都是运动员餐特香。你还可以住云顶,如果不差钱,那个是5星国际标准大酒店,除了服务不是。吃的也很好,出门也是雪道。你还可以住万龙酒店,性价比挺高,晚餐有著名的万龙自助餐,感觉像在北京吃金钱豹,不过寿司生鱼片去得晚了下手慢了就没了。多乐美地公寓也挺好,那个是青年旅社形式的,上下铺很热闹。 吃:羊肉好吃,涮的烤的,人多就来一只烤全羊吧。莜面也不错,少吃,不好消化。蘑菇特鲜美,都是当地采摘

产品随想 | 读秦晖《走出帝制》:第一至第五章

  第一章 ”演员“越来越清晰,”剧本“越来越模糊 孙中山先生临终的遗嘱也说是“革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力”,可见革命后的现实的确是令人失望。如果把革命当作富国强兵的手段,革命后的民国年间显然没能实现这个目的。如果把革命当作制度的更替,那么帝制虽然废除,民主却未能建立,无论是军阀割据,还是一党专政,显然都大有违于辛亥时贤的初衷。当初的民主派固不待言,就是立宪派,乃至保皇派,也都既不希望看到军阀割据,也不希望看到一党专政的。 ──秦晖老师,开篇正文第2页,就已扔下如此之言,读来酣畅淋漓! 汉景帝:“食肉不食马肝,不为不知味;言学者无言汤武受命,不为愚” ──哈哈,你们文人别说了,谈谈风花雪月!谈谈现世安好! 于是当时的人们就认真讨论了我们要引进的作为好东西的现代”政党“与传统时代的坏东西”会党“、 ”朋党“有何区别。诸如政党是公民以政见认同为纽带的自由结社,会党是要宣誓效忠、贼船能上不能下的依附性组织;”朋党是专制政治的产物,政党是民主政治的产物“;政党只要求彼此政见相合,而会党则要求党员忠于党魁个人;政党是议院中”明目张胆主张国是者“,而朋党是”鼠伏狐媚以售其奸“的秘密组织;政党是多元的,”足以并立,而不能相灭“,朋党、会党则是倾轧无度、不共戴天、你死我活的;如此等等 ──没想到100年前的先辈,已辨析如此之深,我等羞愧 清末朝廷想搞的是”日本式立宪“,当然,这里指的不是战后日本那种保留了天皇的民主制,而是明治维新建立的”皇道“政体,就是明治时期那样把权力从诸侯(诸藩)那里收归中央,以强化天皇的权力,即所谓”大政奉还“”废藩置县“,在中国人看起来就像是”西化“形式下的一次”周秦之变“,即从”封建“变成真正的帝制,使天皇从类似中国古代周天子式的”虚君“变成秦始皇式拥有实权的”实君“。 ──一针见血,清朝追求的其实只是个”立宪“壳子,假的 正是立宪派与革命派加上中国传统的反对势力(会党、民变乃至朝廷内部尾大不掉的军阀政客之类)汇成大潮一齐“动蛮”,造成了清朝的垮台 第二章 ”改朝换代“与君主和平立宪的可能性问题 ──”封建“与帝制的比较 后来立宪英国更是接连出了两个”外族王朝“,即源于德国的汉诺威王朝和萨克森-科堡-哥达王朝,当时”德国人“乔治一世国王因不会讲英语而不愿出席枢密院会议,形成惯例后使枢密院脱离国王干预而演变成后来的内阁。 我们看看世界上成功通过君主立宪建立

产品爱好者周刊 第12期:每月读10本书

Products https://github.com/rumsystem/quorum 霍矩发起的开源区块链项目,期望能成 Vvebo:第三方iPhone微博客户端 Ideas 中国房子既想去库存, 又不想降房价, 是否有点矛盾?: https://project-gutenberg.github.io/Pincong/post/9ad409752769a7fb74914f46bb50b4d9/ 关于中国楼市去库存的一些讨论,非常有意思,其中关于中央政府、地方政府、开发商、金融银行机构、购房者关系的描述、大城市房价缓慢上涨给中小城市去库存争取时间 https://project-gutenberg.github.io/Pincong/post/257ce84c1d1084f9c417b8ece2d953ea/ “政法”:“法律是为政治服务的” 非常可怕的论点 Outside interests 有什么适合大声朗读、文笔优美的英文散文? - 知乎 https://www.zhihu.com/question/35250665 回答里面,有些是满满的回忆 有些城市的灯光偏白偏冷,如上海、东京;而有些城市的灯光偏黄偏暖,如纽约、伦敦。为什么? - 法棍卡玩设计的回答 - 知乎 https://www.zhihu.com/question/441971760/answer/1708096368 《玻璃心》MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Rp7UPbhErE 结合Wiki食用,更佳 唐朝:每个月读5-6本书(真心羡慕) 他变化的书单里,可以看到基本是随着当下的时事热点选书的。比如恒大近期事件,看了《我在碧桂园的1000天》(碧桂园财务总监的书)、《置身事内》(将中央与地方关系,土地财政) 唐朝:仅会考虑2017年以前建成的房产,新房或二手均可 原因是:2017年开始,新房限价,市场开始火爆到抢房的境界。经济学常识告诉我2017年以后建设的房子,质量低劣的概率更大 Business & Market data 北京环球影城,首旅集团占股70%,所以很多时候吐槽的高昂票价,被自己人拿走很多。 蔡崇信:台北长大!13 岁美国念书,爸爸也是耶鲁毕业,他本人是加拿大台湾双重国籍 中央在税收里很大部分,是增值税和所得税,其它部分都在地方