VR's quintessential innovators, We take a deep dive into the history of five virtual reality pioneers. https://www.polygon.com/features/2016/10/26/13411364/heilig-fisher-marks-de-la-pena-laurel-vr-bio
"Learning, we argue, is something you do for yourself. Education is something done to you."
"Complexity is the enemy—Exterminate features." ——— Charles Thacker
The secret formula for Apple's rounded corners https://arun.is/blog/apple-rounded-corners/
越接近人的地方,圆角越大Folklore.org https://folklore.org/0-index.html
宝藏,Mac核心开发人员Andy Hertzfeld的博客People Who Are Really Serious About Their Hardware and Software Should Provide Services https://innovation.vivint.com/people-who-are-really-serious-about-their-hardware-and-software-should-provide-services-3a8d4f08488a
我们关心硬件的原因是:人是有形生物,需要跟原子打交道Louis Comfort Tiffany (1848–1933) https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/tiff/hd_tiff.htm
他毕生的理念是,追求美,Quest for Beauty.
他改进了玻璃的制造工艺,采用真正的彩色玻璃,而不是用透明玻璃染色The Case Against Sam Altman https://every.to/napkin-math/the-case-against-sam-altman
部分解答了我对Sam Altman的疑惑Aardvark'd: The Fog Creek Documentary, 18 Years Later https://mtlynch.io/aardvarkd/
努力去学习大佬们年轻时候的样子,去学习他们的思考与努力How my love of weird electric vehicles landed me on 100 million Chinese TVs https://electrek.co/2023/11/21/my-love-of-weird-electric-vehicles-landed-me-on-china-state-tv/
有趣2023年11月小结:蓝翔、威海、双11、柯南、农庄和读书 https://gaoshaoxing.com/2023nian-10yue-xiao-jie-lan-xiang/
好羡慕这样自由自在的人生和生活站长手记:手机网站15年 砥砺前行始如愿 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Iys1vuOuy9KuTXwKJEqDRw
一个人做是生活,大家一起做是事业2023各平台年终报告 https://www.yuque.com/paidaxin/dkopg8/gqpfgysdw0wiqwmh
设计上,能很明显感受到国内外互联网从业者的差距我来蓝翔学挖掘机了(更新至DAY 7) https://gaoshaoxing.com/wo-lai-lan-xiang-xue-wa-jue-ji-liao/
中产,一个阶层的自我修炼 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/qMeYzDIRBgDnG2Qho3AAwg
足够真实小鸟文学:4月特刊 https://www.bumingbai.net/xiaoniao-wenxue-1/
好喜欢里面的一句话,“尝试更勇敢一些,把ZY写成自由”POOR CHARLIE' S ALMANACK https://www.stripe.press/poor-charlies-almanack/cover
Stripe的这个尝试非常棒诶,这才是我认为桌面端、或者是未来Apple Vision Pro等设备里,应该有的阅读体验世界上最令人羡慕的人去世了,万字长文回顾他的一生 https://wallstreetcn.com/articles/3703071
他聪明、善良、正直,从来不偷奸耍滑,凭着自己的智慧、努力和耐心,如此干净地赚了如此多的钱,并且有世界上最完美的友情,最美满的婚姻,最幸福的家庭,最充实的人生,而且还如此地长寿……A Visit to the Physical Internet Archive https://thenewstack.io/a-visit-to-the-physical-internet-archive/Brewster Kahle一直在做着他喜欢做的事情啊
Software World Tour With Son Luong Ngoc https://corecursive.com/software-world-tour-with-son-luong-ngoc/#enter-alibaba
一个越南程序员的阿里巴巴之旅THE ACCELERATION OF ADDICTIVENESS https://paulgraham.com/addiction.html
那些我们觉得好的东西,因为供给变多,会变得让人更加容易上瘾One Game, By One Man, On Six Platforms: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly https://ruoyusun.com/2023/10/12/one-game-six-platforms.html
开发游戏平台的心得!!Steve Jobs’ Legacy for Builders https://every.to/napkin-math/steve-jobs-legacy-for-builders
- “Don’t be a career. The enemy of most dreams and intuitions, and one of the most dangerous and stifling concepts ever invented by humans, is the “Career.” A career is a concept for how one is supposed to progress through stages during the training for and practicing of your working life.
- Jobs' mantra of pursuing passion is really a call to bet on yourself. “So to be a creative person, you need to “feed” or “invest” in yourself by exploring uncharted paths that are outside the realm of your past experience. Seek out new dimensions of yourself—especially those that carry a romantic scent.”
- “Our goal was to bring a liberal arts perspective and a liberal arts audience to what had traditionally been a very geeky technology and a very geeky audience.”
- “And it wasn’t driven by a bunch of market research or financial spreadsheets about how big certain markets were. It wasn’t driven by that at all. It was driven by the fact that we all hated our phones. We talked to all of our friends and all the people we knew, and they all hated their phones.”
- You should read this book. It is more scripture than history and that is totally OK. In its teachings, I was reminded why I care so much about the technology industry. Building is a privilege. Hacking is a gift. After I finished reading, I sat down for a few hours and meditated on my goals. Am I living my life in the way I want to? Am I building myself into the person who can accomplish what I think is important? Am I building the products that change the world in the way I think best?
FolderPaint https://github.com/MichaelTr7/FolderPaint Folder colour changing application for macOS. 乔布斯说:“对于我和苹果公司的许多人来说,索尼的盛田昭夫是最大的灵感来源之一。我希望我们今天的所想所为能让他会心一笑。” 乔布斯甚至从索尼挖走了一位顶级设计师。哈特穆特·艾斯林格被苹果挖走前,已在 100 多种索尼产品的创造中发挥了重要作用。 供职于索尼时,艾斯林格所在的设计工作室与管理办公室和工厂车间享有同等地位。他说,这样有助于促进公司生产和设计团队之间在一定程度上达成团结,这正是乔布斯试图重建的团结。 艾斯林格指出:“乔布斯有能力洞察事物的好坏,却不知道如何实现以及如何通过组织去构建。因此,我们向苹果提出的第一个建议是,赋予设计师一定的话语权。” 斯卡利表示,乔布斯和盛田之间的深厚友谊和相互敬重可以归结为对于设计的共同热忱。 “他们以非常积极的方式产生了共鸣”,斯卡利说,“两位来自不同文化背景的创始人共聚一堂,这是非常难能可贵的。他们讨论设计原则,却从不谈及商业模式。” “Think of your life as a rainbow arcing across the horizon of this world. You appear, have a chance to blaze in the sky, then you disappear.” City Lights Bookstore https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_Lights_Bookstore?useskin=vector 旧金山的城市之光独立书店 Vesuvio Cafe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vesuvio_Cafe?useskin=vector 好奇怪,这家Cafe居然没有太多的介绍 “One of the things that I was fortunate of was to see and understand the context of San Francisco through the eyes of Steve Jobs,” Mr. Ive said. “He kn...