
Bob Dylan – Facts. NobelPrize.org


When I first received this Nobel Prize for Literature, I got to wondering exactly how my songs related to literature. I wanted to reflect on it and see where the connection was. I’m going to try to articulate that to you. And most likely it will go in a roundabout way, but I hope what I say will be worthwhile and purposeful.

If I was to go back to the dawning of it all, I guess I’d have to start with Buddy Holly. Buddy died when I was about eighteen and he was twenty-two. From the moment I first heard him, I felt akin. I felt related, like he was an older brother. I even thought I resembled him. Buddy played the music that I loved – the music I grew up on: country western, rock ‘n’ roll, and rhythm and blues. Three separate strands of music that he intertwined and infused into one genre. One brand. And Buddy wrote songs – songs that had beautiful melodies and imaginative verses. And he sang great – sang in more than a few voices. He was the archetype. Everything I wasn’t and wanted to be. I saw him only but once, and that was a few days before he was gone. I had to travel a hundred miles to get to see him play, and I wasn’t disappointed.

He was powerful and electrifying and had a commanding presence. I was only six feet away. He was mesmerizing. I watched his face, his hands, the way he tapped his foot, his big black glasses, the eyes behind the glasses, the way he held his guitar, the way he stood, his neat suit. Everything about him. He looked older than twenty-two. Something about him seemed permanent, and he filled me with conviction. Then, out of the blue, the most uncanny thing happened. He looked me right straight dead in the eye, and he transmitted something. Something I didn’t know what. And it gave me the chills.

I think it was a day or two after that that his plane went down. And somebody – somebody I’d never seen before – handed me a Leadbelly record with the song “Cottonfields” on it. And that record changed my life right then and there. Transported me into a world I’d never known. It was like an explosion went off. Like I’d been walking in darkness and all of the sudden the darkness was illuminated. It was like somebody laid hands on me. I must have played that record a hundred times.

It was on a label I’d never heard of with a booklet inside with advertisements for other artists on the label: Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee, the New Lost City Ramblers, Jean Ritchie, string bands. I’d never heard of any of them. But I reckoned if they were on this label with Leadbelly, they had to be good, so I needed to hear them. I wanted to know all about it and play that kind of music. I still had a feeling for the music I’d grown up with, but for right now, I forgot about it. Didn’t even think about it. For the time being, it was long gone.

I hadn’t left home yet, but I couldn’t wait to. I wanted to learn this music and meet the people who played it. Eventually, I did leave, and I did learn to play those songs. They were different than the radio songs that I’d been listening to all along. They were more vibrant and truthful to life. With radio songs, a performer might get a hit with a roll of the dice or a fall of the cards, but that didn’t matter in the folk world. Everything was a hit. All you had to do was be well versed and be able to play the melody. Some of these songs were easy, some not. I had a natural feeling for the ancient ballads and country blues, but everything else I had to learn from scratch. I was playing for small crowds, sometimes no more than four or five people in a room or on a street corner. You had to have a wide repertoire, and you had to know what to play and when. Some songs were intimate, some you had to shout to be heard.

By listening to all the early folk artists and singing the songs yourself, you pick up the vernacular. You internalize it. You sing it in the ragtime blues, work songs, Georgia sea shanties, Appalachian ballads and cowboy songs. You hear all the finer points, and you learn the details.

You know what it’s all about. Takin’ the pistol out and puttin’ it back in your pocket. Whippin’ your way through traffic, talkin’ in the dark. You know that Stagger Lee was a bad man and that Frankie was a good girl. You know that Washington is a bourgeois town and you’ve heard the deep-pitched voice of John the Revelator and you saw the Titanic sink in a boggy creek. And you’re pals with the wild Irish rover and the wild colonial boy. You heard the muffled drums and the fifes that played lowly. You’ve seen the lusty Lord Donald stick a knife in his wife, and a lot of your comrades have been wrapped in white linen.

I had all the vernacular down. I knew the rhetoric. None of it went over my head – the devices, the techniques, the secrets, the mysteries – and I knew all the deserted roads that it traveled on, too. I could make it all connect and move with the current of the day. When I started writing my own songs, the folk lingo was the only vocabulary that I knew, and I used it.

But I had something else as well. I had principles and sensibilities and an informed view of the world. And I had had that for a while. Learned it all in grammar school. Don Quixote, Ivanhoe, Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver’s Travels, Tale of Two Cities, all the rest – typical grammar school reading that gave you a way of looking at life, an understanding of human nature, and a standard to measure things by. I took all that with me when I started composing lyrics. And the themes from those books worked their way into many of my songs, either knowingly or unintentionally. I wanted to write songs unlike anything anybody ever heard, and these themes were fundamental.

Specific books that have stuck with me ever since I read them way back in grammar school – I want to tell you about three of them: Moby Dick, All Quiet on the Western Front and The Odyssey.

Moby Dick is a fascinating book, a book that’s filled with scenes of high drama and dramatic dialogue. The book makes demands on you. The plot is straightforward. The mysterious Captain Ahab – captain of a ship called the Pequod –  an egomaniac with a peg leg pursuing his nemesis, the great white whale Moby Dick who took his leg. And he pursues him all the way from the Atlantic around the tip of Africa and into the Indian Ocean. He pursues the whale around both sides of the earth. It’s an abstract goal, nothing concrete or definite. He calls Moby the emperor, sees him as the embodiment of evil. Ahab’s got a wife and child back in Nantucket that he reminisces about now and again. You can anticipate what will happen.

The ship’s crew is made up of men of different races, and any one of them who sights the whale will be given the reward of a gold coin. A lot of Zodiac symbols, religious allegory, stereotypes. Ahab encounters other whaling vessels, presses the captains for details about Moby. Have they seen him? There’s a crazy prophet, Gabriel, on one of the vessels, and he predicts Ahab’s doom. Says Moby is the incarnate of a Shaker god, and that any dealings with him will lead to disaster. He says that to Captain Ahab. Another ship’s captain – Captain Boomer – he lost an arm to Moby. But he tolerates that, and he’s happy to have survived. He can’t accept Ahab’s lust for vengeance.

This book tells how different men react in different ways to the same experience. A lot of Old Testament, biblical allegory: Gabriel, Rachel, Jeroboam, Bildah, Elijah. Pagan names as well: Tashtego, Flask, Daggoo, Fleece, Starbuck, Stubb, Martha’s Vineyard. The Pagans are idol worshippers. Some worship little wax figures, some wooden figures. Some worship fire. The Pequod is the name of an Indian tribe.

Moby Dick is a seafaring tale. One of the men, the narrator, says, “Call me Ishmael.” Somebody asks him where he’s from, and he says, “It’s not down on any map. True places never are.” Stubb gives no significance to anything, says everything is predestined. Ishmael’s been on a sailing ship his entire life. Calls the sailing ships his Harvard and Yale. He keeps his distance from people.

A typhoon hits the Pequod. Captain Ahab thinks it’s a good omen. Starbuck thinks it’s a bad omen, considers killing Ahab. As soon as the storm ends, a crewmember falls from the ship’s mast and drowns, foreshadowing what’s to come. A Quaker pacifist priest, who is actually a bloodthirsty businessman, tells Flask, “Some men who receive injuries are led to God, others are led to bitterness.”

Everything is mixed in. All the myths: the Judeo Christian bible, Hindu myths, British legends, Saint George, Perseus, Hercules – they’re all whalers. Greek mythology, the gory business of cutting up a whale. Lots of facts in this book, geographical knowledge, whale oil – good for coronation of royalty – noble families in the whaling industry. Whale oil is used to anoint the kings. History of the whale, phrenology, classical philosophy, pseudo-scientific theories, justification for discrimination – everything thrown in and none of it hardly rational. Highbrow, lowbrow, chasing illusion, chasing death, the great white whale, white as polar bear, white as a white man, the emperor, the nemesis, the embodiment of evil. The demented captain who actually lost his leg years ago trying to attack Moby with a knife.

We see only the surface of things. We can interpret what lies below any way we see fit. Crewmen walk around on deck listening for mermaids, and sharks and vultures follow the ship. Reading skulls and faces like you read a book. Here’s a face. I’ll put it in front of you. Read it if you can.

Tashtego says that he died and was reborn. His extra days are a gift. He wasn’t saved by Christ, though, he says he was saved by a fellow man and a non-Christian at that. He parodies the resurrection.

When Starbuck tells Ahab that he should let bygones be bygones, the angry captain snaps back, “Speak not to me of blasphemy, man, I’d strike the sun if it insulted me.” Ahab, too, is a poet of eloquence. He says, “The path to my fixed purpose is laid with iron rails whereon my soul is grooved to run.”  Or these lines, “All visible objects are but pasteboard masks.” Quotable poetic phrases that can’t be beat.

Finally, Ahab spots Moby, and the harpoons come out. Boats are lowered. Ahab’s harpoon has been baptized in blood. Moby attacks Ahab’s boat and destroys it. Next day, he sights Moby again. Boats are lowered again. Moby attacks Ahab’s boat again. On the third day, another boat goes in. More religious allegory. He has risen. Moby attacks one more time, ramming the Pequod and sinking it. Ahab gets tangled up in the harpoon lines and is thrown out of his boat into a watery grave.

Ishmael survives. He’s in the sea floating on a coffin. And that’s about it. That’s the whole story. That theme and all that it implies would work its way into more than a few of my songs.

All Quiet on the Western Front was another book that did. All Quiet on the Western Front is a horror story. This is a book where you lose your childhood, your faith in a meaningful world, and your concern for individuals. You’re stuck in a nightmare. Sucked up into a mysterious whirlpool of death and pain. You’re defending yourself from elimination. You’re being wiped off the face of the map. Once upon a time you were an innocent youth with big dreams about being a concert pianist. Once you loved life and the world, and now you’re shooting it to pieces.

Day after day, the hornets bite you and worms lap your blood. You’re a cornered animal. You don’t fit anywhere. The falling rain is monotonous. There’s endless assaults, poison gas, nerve gas, morphine, burning streams of gasoline, scavenging and scabbing for food, influenza, typhus, dysentery. Life is breaking down all around you, and the shells are whistling. This is the lower region of hell. Mud, barbed wire, rat-filled trenches, rats eating the intestines of dead men, trenches filled with filth and excrement. Someone shouts, “Hey, you there. Stand and fight.”

Who knows how long this mess will go on? Warfare has no limits. You’re being annihilated, and that leg of yours is bleeding too much. You killed a man yesterday, and you spoke to his corpse. You told him after this is over, you’ll spend the rest of your life looking after his family. Who’s profiting here? The leaders and the generals gain fame, and many others profit financially. But you’re doing the dirty work. One of your comrades says, “Wait a minute, where are you going?” And you say, “Leave me alone, I’ll be back in a minute.” Then you walk out into the woods of death hunting for a piece of sausage. You can’t see how anybody in civilian life has any kind of purpose at all. All their worries, all their desires – you can’t comprehend it.

More machine guns rattle, more parts of bodies hanging from wires, more pieces of arms and legs and skulls where butterflies perch on teeth, more hideous wounds, pus coming out of every pore, lung wounds, wounds too big for the body, gas-blowing cadavers, and dead bodies making retching noises. Death is everywhere. Nothing else is possible. Someone will kill you and use your dead body for target practice. Boots, too. They’re your prized possession. But soon they’ll be on somebody else’s feet.

There’s Froggies coming through the trees. Merciless bastards. Your shells are running out. “It’s not fair to come at us again so soon,” you say. One of your companions is laying in the dirt, and you want to take him to the field hospital. Someone else says, “You might save yourself a trip.” “What do you mean?” “Turn him over, you’ll see what I mean.”

You wait to hear the news. You don’t understand why the war isn’t over. The army is so strapped for replacement troops that they’re drafting young boys who are of little military use, but they’re draftin’ ‘em anyway because they’re running out of men. Sickness and humiliation have broken your heart. You were betrayed by your parents, your schoolmasters, your ministers, and even your own government.

The general with the slowly smoked cigar betrayed you too – turned you into a thug and a murderer. If you could, you’d put a bullet in his face. The commander as well. You fantasize that if you had the money, you’d put up a reward for any man who would take his life by any means necessary. And if he should lose his life by doing that, then let the money go to his heirs. The colonel, too, with his caviar and his coffee – he’s another one. Spends all his time in the officers’ brothel. You’d like to see him stoned dead too. More Tommies and Johnnies with their whack fo’ me daddy-o and their whiskey in the jars. You kill twenty of ‘em and twenty more will spring up in their place. It just stinks in your nostrils.

You’ve come to despise that older generation that sent you out into this madness, into this torture chamber. All around you, your comrades are dying. Dying from abdominal wounds, double amputations, shattered hipbones, and you think, “I’m only twenty years old, but I’m capable of killing anybody. Even my father if he came at me.”

Yesterday, you tried to save a wounded messenger dog, and somebody shouted, “Don’t be a fool.” One Froggy is laying gurgling at your feet. You stuck him with a dagger in his stomach, but the man still lives. You know you should finish the job, but you can’t. You’re on the real iron cross, and a Roman soldier’s putting a sponge of vinegar to your lips.

Months pass by. You go home on leave. You can’t communicate with your father. He said, “You’d be a coward if you don’t enlist.” Your mother, too, on your way back out the door, she says, “You be careful of those French girls now.” More madness. You fight for a week or a month, and you gain ten yards. And then the next month it gets taken back.

All that culture from a thousand years ago, that philosophy, that wisdom – Plato, Aristotle, Socrates – what happened to it?  It should have prevented this. Your thoughts turn homeward. And once again you’re a schoolboy walking through the tall poplar trees. It’s a pleasant memory. More bombs dropping on you from blimps. You got to get it together now. You can’t even look at anybody for fear of some miscalculable thing that might happen. The common grave. There are no other possibilities.

Then you notice the cherry blossoms, and you see that nature is unaffected by all this. Poplar trees, the red butterflies, the fragile beauty of flowers, the sun – you see how nature is indifferent to it all. All the violence and suffering of all mankind. Nature doesn’t even notice it.

You’re so alone. Then a piece of shrapnel hits the side of your head and you’re dead.
You’ve been ruled out, crossed out. You’ve been exterminated. I put this book down and closed it up. I never wanted to read another war novel again, and I never did.

Charlie Poole from North Carolina had a song that connected to all this. It’s called “You Ain’t Talkin’ to Me,” and the lyrics go like this:

I saw a sign in a window walking up town one day.
Join the army, see the world is what it had to say.
You’ll see exciting places with a jolly crew,
You’ll meet interesting people, and learn to kill them too.
Oh you ain’t talkin’ to me, you ain’t talking to me.
I may be crazy and all that, but I got good sense you see.
You ain’t talkin’ to me, you ain’t talkin’ to me.
Killin’ with a gun don’t sound like fun.
You ain’t talkin’ to me.

The Odyssey is a great book whose themes have worked its way into the ballads of a lot of songwriters: “Homeward Bound, “Green, Green Grass of Home,” “Home on the Range,” and my songs as well.

The Odyssey is a strange, adventurous tale of a grown man trying to get home after fighting in a war. He’s on that long journey home, and it’s filled with traps and pitfalls. He’s cursed to wander. He’s always getting carried out to sea, always having close calls. Huge chunks of boulders rock his boat. He angers people he shouldn’t. There’s troublemakers in his crew. Treachery. His men are turned into pigs and then are turned back into younger, more handsome men. He’s always trying to rescue somebody. He’s a travelin’ man, but he’s making a lot of stops.

He’s stranded on a desert island. He finds deserted caves, and he hides in them. He meets giants that say, “I’ll eat you last.” And he escapes from giants. He’s trying to get back home, but he’s tossed and turned by the winds. Restless winds, chilly winds, unfriendly winds. He travels far, and then he gets blown back.

He’s always being warned of things to come. Touching things he’s told not to. There’s two roads to take, and they’re both bad. Both hazardous. On one you could drown and on the other you could starve. He goes into the narrow straits with foaming whirlpools that swallow him. Meets six-headed monsters with sharp fangs. Thunderbolts strike at him. Overhanging branches that he makes a leap to reach for to save himself from a raging river. Goddesses and gods protect him, but some others want to kill him. He changes identities. He’s exhausted. He falls asleep, and he’s woken up by the sound of laughter. He tells his story to strangers. He’s been gone twenty years. He was carried off somewhere and left there. Drugs have been dropped into his wine. It’s been a hard road to travel.

In a lot of ways, some of these same things have happened to you. You too have had drugs dropped into your wine. You too have shared a bed with the wrong woman. You too have been spellbound by magical voices, sweet voices with strange melodies. You too have come so far and have been so far blown back. And you’ve had close calls as well. You have angered people you should not have. And you too have rambled this country all around. And you’ve also felt that ill wind, the one that blows you no good. And that’s still not all of it.

When he gets back home, things aren’t any better. Scoundrels have moved in and are taking advantage of his wife’s hospitality. And there’s too many of ‘em. And though he’s greater than them all and the best at everything – best carpenter, best hunter, best expert on animals, best seaman – his courage won’t save him, but his trickery will.

All these stragglers will have to pay for desecrating his palace. He’ll disguise himself as a filthy beggar, and a lowly servant kicks him down the steps with arrogance and stupidity. The servant’s arrogance revolts him, but he controls his anger. He’s one against a hundred, but they’ll all fall, even the strongest. He was nobody. And when it’s all said and done, when he’s home at last, he sits with his wife, and he tells her the stories.

So what does it all mean? Myself and a lot of other songwriters have been influenced by these very same themes. And they can mean a lot of different things. If a song moves you, that’s all that’s important. I don’t have to know what a song means. I’ve written all kinds of things into my songs. And I’m not going to worry about it – what it all means. When Melville put all his old testament, biblical references, scientific theories, Protestant doctrines, and all that knowledge of the sea and sailing ships and whales into one story, I don’t think he would have worried about it either – what it all means.

John Donne as well, the poet-priest who lived in the time of Shakespeare, wrote these words, “The Sestos and Abydos of her breasts. Not of two lovers, but two loves, the nests.” I don’t know what it means, either. But it sounds good. And you want your songs to sound good.

When Odysseus in The Odyssey visits the famed warrior Achilles in the underworld – Achilles, who traded a long life full of peace and contentment for a short one full of honor and glory –  tells Odysseus it was all a mistake. “I just died, that’s all.” There was no honor. No immortality. And that if he could, he would choose to go back and be a lowly slave to a tenant farmer on Earth rather than be what he is – a king in the land of the dead – that whatever his struggles of life were, they were preferable to being here in this dead place.

That’s what songs are too. Our songs are alive in the land of the living. But songs are unlike literature. They’re meant to be sung, not read. The words in Shakespeare’s plays were meant to be acted on the stage. Just as lyrics in songs are meant to be sung, not read on a page. And I hope some of you get the chance to listen to these lyrics the way they were intended to be heard: in concert or on record or however people are listening to songs these days. I return once again to Homer, who says, “Sing in me, oh Muse, and through me tell the story.”

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原文地址: 申请日本研究生 首先有必须向大家解释一下日语中这个“研究生”的概念以及日本的大学院的基本设置。  日语中“研究生”用英文来说是research student,在日本的大学是非正规生,也就是说没有学位也不可以修得学分,一般情况下只能在研究生阶段结束以后得到一份“研究生修了证明书”,这个回国是没有用处的。  最初研究生的设立,并不是为了大学院备考者。但是现在外国留学生都利用这个课程来作为进入大学院正规课程的一个途径。说直接一点,就是为了拿到签证,来日本考大学院的一个途径。  研究生又分为两种,一为学部研究生,申请的资格为大学本科毕业及其预定毕业者,或者是满16年学习经历的都有资格申请。第二种为大学院研究生一般是硕士毕业以及其预定毕业者有资格申请。  简单的说,可以把中日的高中到博士的就学阶段和名称对比如下:  日本:高校 学部 学部研究生 修士 大学院研究生 博士  中国:高中 本科 硕士预科 硕士 博士预科 博士  |--------- | ----------|  |  统称大学院  研究生的申请基本上为书类选考,也就是只要提交必要的材料和得到指教教官的许可就可以申请。也有个别好的大学需要书面考试,但为数不多。  研究生的申请可以是国内出愿(人在日本),也可以是海外出愿(人在中国)。  日本大学院的基本设置。  一般是##大学大学院###研究科的机构下,分博士前期(相当于国内的硕士)和博士后期(博士),有些大学的有些专业没有博士后期,一般就叫做修士课程。  研究生下又有具体专攻的划分。  申请研究生第一步  是和你想去大学的导师联系,希望他能够当你的指导教官(当然事先搜集有关大学,导师的资料是必备的,要确定这个大学一定招研究生.相关信息。  可以利用小春留学论坛学校版提供的以下信息搜索引擎  也可以利用日文门户网站yahoo等来搜索。)  联系导师的合理时间,一般在你希望入学时间(一般一年有两次,4月和10月,)的6-12个月前.具体时间各个学校,各个专业不同不同。  至少6个月前是一定要联系拉,否则会来不及.  国内本科大4在校生,建议在进入大4后就着手准备联系导师事项.  联系导师的方法,材料及注意事项  1。可以通过电子邮件,书信,传真,电话各种工具。最方便,最便宜的方式推荐用电子邮件。有些导师是不公开电子邮件的,那就只能利用其他工具拉。 


我對建立一家屹立不搖的公司有著不滅的熱情。我希望激發公司裡的人做出偉大的產品,其他都是其次的。能獲利當然很好,因為這樣你才有更多的本錢去做很棒的產品。然而,最重要的动机還是產品,而不是獲利。史考利就是把優先順序搞錯了, 把赚钱當成首要目標。雖然製造產品和追求獲利只有些微的不同,但這目標的確關係到一切,包括你要雇用什麼樣的人,晉升哪些人,在開會的時候要討論什麼。 有些人會說:「給消費者想要的東西。」但這不是我的做法。我們必須在消費者知道自已想要什麼東西之前,就幫他們想好了。記得福特曾說:「如果我問顧客他們要什麼,他們必然會回答我:跑得更快的馬!」除非你拿出東西給顾客看,不然他們不知道自己要什麼。這就是為什麼我從不仰賴市場調查。我們的任務是預知,就像看一本書,儘管書頁上還是一片空白,我們已可讀出上面寫的東西。 寶麗來的蘭德曾提到人文與科學的交會。我喜歡這樣的交會,這就是最神奇的地方。目前創新的人很多,我的職涯最突出的並非創新。蘋果能打動很多人的心,是因為我們的創新還有很深的人文淵源。我認為,偉大的工程師和偉大的藝術家很類似。他們都有表達自己的深切欲望。其實,為第一代麥金塔打拚的精英當中,有些也會寫詩或作曲。在1970 年代,人們用電腦表達他們的創造力。像達文西和米開朗基羅這樣偉大的藝術家,本身也是科學家。米開朗基羅不只是會雕刻,也知道如何開採石材。 蘋果能做的,就是幫消費者整合。因為一般人都很忙,一星期七天,一天二十四小時,完全抽不出時間想這些。如果你對製造偉大的產品充滿热情,你就會想整合,把你的硬體、軟體和內容變成一個整體。如果你想開關新的疆土,你得自己來。如果你要使你的產品開放,和其他軟、硬體相容,就不得不放棄你的一些遠見或夢想。 過去的矽谷,在不同的時間點都曾出現過獨領風騷的大公司。最早是惠普,他們曾稱霸一段很長的時問,接著進入半導體時代,快捷和英特爾是其中的佼佼者。之後蘋果也曾光芒耀眼,然後又黯淡下來。到了今天,我想最强的就是蘋果,而 Google 緊跟在後。我認為蘋果禁得起時間考騐。蘋果這幾年的表現非常亮眼,日後仍會是電腦科技的先鋒。 向微軟丢石頭很簡單。微軟顯然不再像過去那樣意興風發,不再舉足輕重,但我還是認為他們過去的成就很了不起,那真是不容易。他們是經營獲利的高手,對產品發展則沒那麼有野心。蓋兹自認為是產品的推手,懂產品的人。其實,他不是,他是個生意人。

Good for the Soul, Steven Levy, 2006, Newsweek

Interview During the iPod's development process did you get a sense of how big it would become? The way you can tell that you're onto something interesting is if everybody who knows about the project wants one themselves, if they can't wait to go out and open up their own wallets to buy one. That was clearly the case with the iPod. Everybody on the team wanted one. Other companies had already tried to make a hard disk drive music player. Why did Apple get it right? We had the hardware expertise, the industrial design expertise and the software expertise, including iTunes. One of the biggest insights we have was that we decided not to try to manage your music library on the iPod, but to manage it in iTunes. Other companies tried to do everything on the device itself and made it so complicated that it was useless. What was the design lesson of the iPod? Look at the design of a lot of consumer products—they're really complicated surfaces. We tried mak

产品随想 | 周刊 第122期:务必要疯狂地怀抱雄心,且还要疯狂地真诚

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部门ftp服务器和远程服务器内网域名无法访问问题困扰我好久,钻研了几天,终于明白了一些,和大家做一个分享, 原帖子在这里 ,表示感谢

产品随想 | 周刊 第51期:Never let a good crisis go to waste

Products Paperless-ngx   https://github.com/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx A community-supported supercharged version of paperless: scan, index and archive all your physical documents 自架设服务,文档聚合 Tube Archivist on YouTube   https://github.com/tubearchivist/tubearchivist Your self hosted YouTube media server 自托管YouTube流媒体播放 Emby Server Emby Server is a personal media server with apps on just about every device. 自己掌控流媒体 Pointless   https://github.com/kkoomen/pointless An endless drawing canvas desktop app made with Tauri (Rust) and React 无限画布白板工具,Tauri构建,跨多端 PWA LIST   https://www.pwalist.app/ 一些好玩的PWA应用,有些还不错 Pomofocus 番茄钟 Song Search “Find me a song by lyrics.”   https://songsear.ch/ Nanopi Openwrt   https://github.com/klever1988/nanopi-openwrt Openwrt for Nanopi R1S R2S R4S R5S 香橙派 R1 Plus 固件编译 纯净版与大杂烩 Project ImmortalWrt   https://github.com/immortalwrt/immortalwrt An opensource OpenWrt variant for mainland China users. China用户专用......心情复杂 YAOF   https://github.com/QiuSimons/YAOF Yet Ano

产品随想 | 周刊 第56期:西方出版商应该拒绝思想审查

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Class 3

一. shell脚本 基本语法  #!/bin/bash    声明解释该脚本的程序,使用后可使用bash内建的指令 #!被称为魔数    魔数后应指定运行该脚本所需程序的完整路径 特点 shell脚本解释器

产品随想 | 陪读《爱因斯坦传》:11-18章

  第十一章 爱因斯坦的宇宙,1916—1919 施瓦茨希尔德先是计算了一个非旋转的球形恒星外部的时空曲率。几周以后,他又寄给爱因斯坦一篇论文,讨论了这样一颗恒星内部的时空曲率是什么样子。 无论是哪种情况,似乎都可能有某种不同寻常的事情发生,事实上是必然会发生。如果一颗恒星(或任何物体)的所有质量都被压缩到一个足够小的空间(即后来所谓的施瓦茨希尔德半径〉中,那么所有计算似乎都失效了。时空将无限地自行弯曲下去。对我们的太阳而言,如果它的所有质量都被压缩到不足两英里的半径内,这种情况就会发生。而地球则需要压缩到大约1/3 英寸。 这就意味着,在这种情况下,施瓦茨希尔德半径之内没有任何东西能够逃脱引力的牵引,甚至连光或其他形式的辐射也不行。时间也将延缓到停滞。换句话说,在外面的观察者看来,施瓦茨希尔德半径附近的旅行者似乎被冻结了,从而驻足不前。 ──后来的黑洞 在整个宇宙中,现已发现许多黑洞。我们银河系中心就有一个,质量比太阳大几百万倍。“黑洞并不稀少,它们并不是我们宇宙的一种偶然点缀,”戴森说,“只有在这里,爱因斯坦的广义相对论才能大显身手,光芒四射。也仅仅在这里,空间和时间才丧失了自己的特性,共同融入一种由爱因斯坦的方程精确描绘的卷曲的四维结构。” 现在想象这样一种情形:如果这些平直居民的二维仍然在一个表面上,但这一表面(以一种在他们看来相当微妙的方式〉发生了轻微弯曲,或者说,如果他们仍然局限于二维,但其平直表面就像是--个球面,情况会怎样?正如爱因斯坦所说:“现在让我们考患一种二维存在,但这次是在球面上而不是在平面上。”这些平直居民射出的箭看上去仍然沿直线运动,但最终却会折返,就像沿地球表面航行的水手最终会从反方向归来一样。 平直居民所处的二维空间的弯曲使其表面是有限的,但却没有任何边界。无论他们沿着什么方向旅行,都不会到达宇宙的尽头或边缘,但最终会回到同一位置。正如爱因斯坦所说:“这种思考的迷人之处在于认识到:这些生物的宇宙是有限的,但却没有边界。〞如果这些平直居民的表面类似于一个膨胀的气球,那么他们的整个宇宙将会不断膨胀,但仍然没有边界。 在这样一个弯曲的宇宙中,沿任何方向发出的光将沿肴表面上的一条直线运动,但仍然会折回自身。“构想这样一种有限无界的空间,是迄今为止关于宇宙本性的最伟大的思想之一,”物理学家玻恩这样说。 的确如此,但这个弯曲的宇宙之外是什么呢?曲


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