"If work is to become play, then tools must become toys."
30-plus years of HyperCard, the missing link to the Web https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/05/25-years-of-hypercard-the-missing-link-to-the-web/
其中最宝贵的是这句教训:"I grew up in a box-centric culture at Apple. If I'd grown up in a network-centric culture, like Sun, HyperCard might have been the first Web browser. My blind spot at Apple prevented me from making HyperCard the first Web browser."MOVIE-WEB https://github.com/movie-web/movie-web
A small web app for watching movies and shows easily
随机搜索了下,命中率非常高,很好用诶LunarBar 的开发 https://github.com/LunarBar-app/LunarBar/blob/main/DEV.md
用心的文档,能够看到NeXT HQ https://allaboutstevejobs.com/pics/pics_places/next/next_hq
可惜没有看到传说中的悬浮楼梯Peter Q. Bohlin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Bohlin?useskin=vector
这位居然参与了这么多Apple Store的设计!!!The San Remo's board voted in 2000 to impose a six-month time limit for apartment renovations, imposing heavy fines on residents who violated the rule. Many residents had complained that director Steven Spielberg and entrepreneur Steve Jobs were conducting multi-year renovations of their respective apartments.
6个月的装修时间,对于挑剔的设计师来说,真的不大够In the biography Steve Jobs, Isaacson recalls Jobs explaining, "So I asked Issey [Miyake] to make me some of his black turtlenecks that I liked, and he made me like a hundred of them. [...] That's what I wear. I have enough to last for the rest of my life." John Lasseter remembered a slightly different story: "He found this one really great black turtleneck which he loved –I think it was Issey Miyake– so tried to buy another one and they didn't have any more. He called the company and asked if they would make another one, and they refused. So he said: 'Fine, how many do you have to make before I can buy them?' So they made them. I think he has a closet full of them.'"
I believe there is Hope in Design.
Design evokes Surprise and Joy in people. ————Issey MiyakeSteve Jobs once shared with Venus’s interior designer, Philippe Starck, “Every year, we go on vacation on my friend Larry Ellison’s boat ($130 million superyacht Musashi). And every year, I say to myself, I too should have a boat built. But I don’t do it. Two years ago, I decided I was going to go for it. I looked at everything, asked everyone, and came to the conclusion that only one person can do it: you.”
Musashi (yacht) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musashi_(yacht)?useskin=vector
Larry的游艇Venus (yacht) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_(yacht)?useskin=vector
乔布斯的游艇,真是非常好看!!!Diana Walker https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana_Walker?useskin=vector
曾是白宫多年的摄影师Also drawing Jobs’s ire was the Infinite Loop campus, which he hated and always apologized for, Riley said.
“It looked like any corporate campus anywhere in America,” she recalled him saying. “And it was built by John Sculley.”Inside Steve Jobs’ unearthly abandoned mansion he spent years trying to demolish https://nypost.com/2021/04/08/inside-steve-jobs-unearthly-abandoned-mansion-he-demolished/
史蒂夫·乔布斯传 https://www.pilisf.com/8/8402/
重点看后记摇滚文化与创业精神——从乔布斯和布兰德说开去 https://conanxin.medium.com/摇滚文化与创业精神-从乔布斯和布兰德说开去-59f17fb6ce15
反主流文化精神Robert Palladino https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Palladino?useskin=vector
一代书法大师,当年乔布斯在里德学院的书法老师Master of Letterforms, Keeper of the Faith Prof. Robert Joseph Palladino https://www.reed.edu/reed-magazine/in-memoriam/obituaries/june2016/prof.-robert-joseph-palladino 1969-84.html
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