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To the Stockholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc,

After two dismal years, operating results in 1976 improved significantly. Last year we said the degree of progress in insurance underwriting would determine whether our gain in earnings would be "moderate" or "major." As it turned out, earnings exceeded even the high end of our expectations. In large part, this was due to the outstanding efforts of Phil Liesche's managerial group at National Indemnity Company.

In dollar terms, operating earnings came to $16,073,000, or $16.47 per share. While this is a record figure, we consider return on shareholders' equity to be a much more significant yardstick of economic performance. Here our result was 17.3%, moderately above our long-term average and even further above the average of American industry, but well below our record level of 19.8% achieved in 1972.

Our present estimate, subject to all the caveats implicit in forecasting, is that dollar operating earnings are likely to improve somewhat in 1977, but that return on equity may decline a bit from the 1976 figure.

T extile Operations
Our textile division was a significant disappointment during 1976. Earnings, measured either by return on sales or by return on capital employed, were inadequate. In part, this was due to industry conditions which did not measure up to expectations of a year ago. But equally important were our own shortcomings. Marketing efforts and mill capabilities were not properly matched in our new Waumbec operation. Unfavorable manufacturing cost variances were produced by improper evaluation of machinery and personnel capabilities. Ken Chace, as always, has been candid in reporting problems and has worked diligently to correct them. He is a pleasure to work with—even under difficult operating conditions.

While the first quarter outlook is for red ink, our quite tentative belief is that textile earnings in 1977 will equal, or exceed modestly, those of 1976. Despite disappointing current results, we continue to look for ways to build our textile operation and presently have one moderate-size acquisition under consideration. It should be recognized that the textile business does not offer the expectation of high returns on investment. Nevertheless, we maintain a commitment to this division—a very important source of employment in New Bedford and Manchester—and believe reasonable returns on average are possible. Insurance Underwriting

Casualty insurers enjoyed some rebound from the disaster levels of 1975 as rate increases finally outstripped relentless cost increases. Preliminary figures indicate that the stockholder owned portion of the property and casualty industry had a combined ratio of 103.0 in 1976, compared to 108.3 in 1975. (100 represents a break-even position on

underwriting—and higher figures represent underwriting losses.) We are unusually concentrated in auto lines where stock companies had an improvement from 113.5 to 107.4. Our own overall improvement was even more dramatic, from 115.4 to 98.7.

Our major insurance sector in insurance, the traditional auto and general liability business of National Indemnity Company, had an outstanding year, achieving profit levels significantly better than the industry generally. Credit for this performance must be given to Phil Liesche, aided particularly by Roland Miller in Underwriting and Bill Lyons in Claims.

Volume at National Indemnity Company grew rapidly during 1976 as competitors finally reacted to the inadequacy of past rates. But, as mentioned in last year's annual report, we are concentrated heavily in lines that are particularly susceptible to both economic and social inflation. Thus present rates, which are adequate for today, will not be adequate tomorrow. Our opinion is that before long, perhaps in 1978, the industry will fall behind on rates as temporary prosperity produces unwise competition. If this happens, we must be prepared to meet the next wave of inadequate pricing by a significant reduction in volume. Reinsurance underwriting has lagged the improvement in direct business. When mistakes are made in the pricing of reinsurance, the effects continue for even longer than when similar mistakes are made in direct underwriting. George Young,an outstanding manager, has worked tirelessly to achieve his goal of profitable underwriting, and has cancelled a great many contracts where appropriate rate adjustments were not obtainable. Here, as in the direct business, we have had a concentration in casualty lines which have been particularly hard hit by inflationary conditions. The near term outlook still is not good for our reinsurance business.

Our "home state" operation continues to make substantial progress under the management of John Ringwalt. The combined ratio improved from 108.4 in 1975 to 102.7 in 1976. There still are some excess costs reflected in the combined ratio which result from the small size of several operations. Cornhusker Casualty Company, oldest and largest of the home state companies, was the winner of the Chairman's Cup in 1976 for achievement of the lowest loss ratio among the home state companies. Cornhusker also achieved the lowest combined ratio in its history at 94.4, marking the fifth time in its six full years of existence that a ratio below 100 has been recorded. Premium growth was 78% at the home state companies in 1976, as market position improved significantly. We presently plan a new home state operation later this year.

Our Home and Automobile Insurance Company subsidiary, writing primarily automobile business in the Cook County area of Illinois, experienced a strong recovery in 1976. This is directly attributable to John Seward who, in his first full year, has revamped significantly both rating methods and marketing. The auto business has been shifted to a six month direct bill policy, which permits a faster reaction time to underwriting trends. Our general liability business at Home and Automobile has been expanded significantly with good results. While it remains to be proven that we can achieve sustained underwriting

profitability at Home and Auto, we are delighted with the progress John Seward has achieved.

Overall, we expect a good year in insurance in 1977. Volume is high and present rate levels should allow profitable underwriting. Longer term, however, there are significant negatives in the insurance picture. Auto lines, in particular, seem highly vulnerable to pricing and regulatory problems produced by political and social factors beyond the control of individual companies.

Insurance Investments
Pre-tax investment income in 1976 improved to $10,820,000 from $8,918,000 as invested assets built up substantially, both from better levels of profitability and from gains in premium volume. In recent reports we have noted the unrealized depreciation in our bond account, but stated that we considered such market fluctuations of minor importance as our liquidity and general financial strength made it improbable that bonds would have to be sold at times other than those of our choice. The bond market rallied substantially in 1976, giving us moderate net unrealized gains at yearend in the bond portfolios of both our bank and insurance companies. This, too, is of minor importance since our intention is to hold a large portion of our bonds to maturity. The corollary to higher bond prices is that lower earnings are produced by the new funds generated for investment. On balance, we prefer a situation where our bond portfolio has a current market value less than carrying value, but more attractive rates are available on issues purchased with newly-generated funds.

Last year we stated that we expected 1976 to be a year of realized capital gains and, indeed, gains of $9,962,000 before tax, primarily from stocks, were realized during the year. It presently appears that 1977 also will be a year of net realized capital gains. We now have a substantial unrealized gain in our stock portfolio as compared to a substantial unrealized loss several years ago. Here again we consider such market fluctuations from year to year relatively unimportant; unrealized appreciation in our equity holdings, which amounted to $45.7 million at yearend, has declined by about $5 million as this is written on March 21st.

However, we consider the yearly business progress of the companies in which we own stocks to be very important. And here, we have been delighted by the 1976 business performance achieved by most of our portfolio companies. If the business results continue excellent over a period of years, we are certain eventually to achieve good financial results from our stock holdings, regardless of wide year-to-year fluctuations in market values.

Our equity holdings with a market value of over $3 million on December 31, 1976 were as follows:

You will notice that our major equity holdings are relatively few. We select such

investments on a long-term basis, weighing the same factors as would be involved in the purchase of 100% of an operating business: (1) favorable long-term economic characteristics; (2) competent and honest management; (3) purchase price attractive when measured against the yardstick of value to a private owner; and (4) an industry with which we are familiar and whose long-term business characteristics we feel competent to judge. It is difficult to find investments meeting such a test, and that is one reason for our concentration of holdings. We simply can't find one hundred different securities that conform to our investment requirements. However, we feel quite comfortable concentrating our holdings in the much smaller number that we do identify as attractive. Our intention usually is to maintain equity positions for a long time, but sometimes we will make a purchase with a shorter expected time horizon such as Kaiser Industries. Here a distribution of securities and cash from the parent company is expected to be initiated in 1977. Purchases were made in 1976 after the announcement of the distribution plan by Kaiser management.

Eugene Abegg, Chief Executive of Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Rockford, Illinois, our banking subsidiary, continues to lead the parade among bankers—just as he has even since he opened the bank in 1931.

Recently, National City Corp. of Cleveland, truly an outstandingly well-managed bank, ran an ad stating "the ratio of earnings to average assets was 1.34% in 1976 which we believe to be the best percentage for any major banking company." Among the really large banks this was the best earnings achievement but, at the Illinois National Bank, earnings were close to 50% better than those of National City, or approximately 2% of average assets. This outstanding earnings record again was achieved while:

(1) paying maximum rates of interest on all consumer savings instruments (time deposits now make up well over two-thirds of the deposit base at the Illinois National Bank), (2) maintaining an outstanding liquidity position (Federal Funds sold plus U. S. Government and Agency issues of under six months' duration presently are approximately equal to demand deposits), and (3) avoiding high-yield but second-class loans (net loan losses in 1976 came to about $12,000, or .02% of outstanding loans, a very tiny fraction of the ratio prevailing in 1976 in the banking industry).

Cost control is an important factor in the bank's success. Employment is still at about the level existing at the time of purchase in 1969 despite growth in consumer time deposits from $30 million to $90 million and considerable expansion in other activities such as trust, travel and data processing.

Blue Chip Stamps

During 1976 we increased our interest in Blue Chip Stamps, and by yearend we held about 33% of that company's outstanding shares. Our interest in Blue Chip Stamps is of growing importance to us. Summary financial reports of Blue Chip Stamps are contained

in the footnotes to our attached financial statements. Moreover, shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. are urged to obtain the current and subsequent annual reports of Blue Chip Stamps by requesting them from Mr. Robert H. Bird, Secretary, Blue Chip Stamps, 5801 South Eastern Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90040.

K & W Products has performed well in its first year as a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Both sales and earnings were up moderately over 1975.

We have less than four years remaining to comply with requirement that our bank be divested by December 31, 1980. We intend to accomplish such a divestiture in a manner that minimizes disruption to the bank and produces good results for our shareholders. Most probably this will involve a spin-off of bank shares in 1980.

We also hope at some point to merge with Diversified Retailing Company, Inc. Both corporate simplification and enhanced ownership position in Blue Chip Stamps would be benefits of such a merger. However, it is unlikely that anything will be proposed in this regard during 1977.

Warren E. Buffett, Chairman March 21, 1977

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产品随想 | 周刊 第121期:丈夫拥书万卷,何假南面百城

"My first impulse is to seek beauty and serenity rather than adhere to one period or style." ——JAYA IBRAHIM Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. ——Of Studies,Francis Bacon 读书使人充实,讨论使人聪明,写作使人严谨 —— 可能是张一鸣说的 少读点书,多刷刷抖音吧   https://1q43.blog/post/2233 本质还是鼓励,多介入感受生活,自己的生活与别人的生活 哈德良   https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hk/哈德良?useskin=vector 他被描述為一個神秘而又矛盾的人,有着巨大的個人慷慨和極端殘忍,被永不滿足的好奇心、自負和野心所驅使。 但从他的作品里,能看到非常多谦虚的影子 丈夫拥书万卷,何假南面百城   https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1V54y1V7Yz/ 非常喜欢这个人,喜欢这份杂志!!! 丈夫擁書萬卷,何假南面百城 Zen in the Art of Archery 书籍推荐 First of all, come to appreciate the contributions of artists of all forms, not just following our traditional definitions of art. The best programmers I’ve met are artists and treat programming as much more of an art form than a science. Bran Ferren on the Art of Innovation   https://www.strategy-business.com/article/00381 超赞 任何领域,做到巅峰,其实都是艺术,而不仅仅是技术 A more contemporary example is the iPhone — a communications-centric com


 笔记: 不喜欢购买长期的债券 (我自己的总结)企业本质上就是存续期不可知、返利不可知的债券 通胀维持在5%----10%之间,投资股票或债券并无太多分别 但在高通胀时代,完全不是这么回事,投资股票组合实质上会蒙受重大损失,但已流通在外的债券却可能更惨(所以我们认为所有目前流通在外的债券组合事实上蕴含着极大的风险,所以我们对于债券投资特别谨慎,只有当某项债券比起其它投资机会明显有利时我们才会考虑,而事实上这种情况少之又少) 除非经历销售量的巨幅增长,否则一家好的企业定义上应该是指那些可以产生大量现金的公司 原文: https://xueqiu.com/6217262310/132312634 https://archive.ph/x9wUb www.buffettism.com 巴菲特研究中心 Research Centre for Buffettism 巴菲特致股东的信 1984 年 1984 年波克夏的净值约增加了一亿五千万美金,每股约等于 133 美金, 这个数字看起来似乎还不错,不过若考虑所投入的资金,事实上只能算普通,二 十年来我们的净值约以 22.1% 年复合成长率增加 ( 从 1965 年的 19.46 到 1984 年的 1,108.77) ,去年则只有 13.6% 。 如同我们去年曾提过的,真正重要的是每股内含价值的成长率,不过由于其 涉及太多主观的意见而难以计算,所以以我们的情况,通常用帐面价值当作代替 ( 虽然通常是有点低估 ) ,我个人认为在 1984 年内含价值与帐面价值增加的程 度可谓相当。 过去个人以学术角度曾跟各为提到暴增的资本将会托累资本报酬率,不幸的 是今年我们以报导新闻的方式跟各位报告,过去动辄 22% 的成长率已成历史, 在往后十年我们大约要赚到 39 亿美金,每年才能以 15% 成长 ( 假设我们仍维持 目前的股利政策,后面我会详加讨论 ) ,想要顺利达成目标,必需要有一些极棒 的点子,我跟我的执行合伙人 Charlie Munger 目前并无任何够棒点子,不过我 们的经验是有时它会突然冒出来。 下表显示波克夏帐列盈余的来源,由于年中与

产品随想 | 陪读《乔布斯传》:28-34章

  28 蘋果專賣店 天才吧與瑟琳娜砂岩 購物中心裡沒有任何電子產品專賣店,強森解釋原因:業界一般的想法是,顧客想要採購一些比較重要的產品時,他們應該會願意開車到一個不那麼方便的地點去,而那些地方的店租當然也比較便宜。賈伯斯完全不同意。他認為,不論店租有多昂貴, 蘋果專賣店絕對應該開在購物中心裡、或是最熱鬧的大街上,也就是人群熙來攘往的地方。「我們或許無法讓他們特意開幾公里路去看我們的產品,但我們絕對可以讓他們多走十步路,」賈伯斯說,蘋果尤其需要突襲微軟 Windows 的使用者。「只要他們平常有機會經過,而我們又把專賣店設計得很吸引人,他們可能就會出於好奇,而進來看一眼。只要他們有機會看到我們的產品,我們就赢了。」 強森告訴賈伯斯,店面規模可以反應品牌的重要性。「蘋果的品牌比得上平價服裝 Gap 嗎?」他間。賈伯斯說,蘋果大多了。強森說,那麼專賣店就應該比 Gap 的店面還要大。「否則你看起來就無足輕重。」賈伯斯告訴他馬庫拉的格害:一家好的公司必須產生獨特的形象,也就是說,它所做的一切,從包裝到行銷,都必須能夠傳達自己的價值觀及重要性。強森非常喜歡這個概念,認為這概念絕對適用專賣店的設計。「專賣店可以成為品牌最強而有力的實體呈現。」 伍拉德知道,賈伯斯對於童事會的阻擋,可沒太大耐心。 上一次童事會妨礙到他的時候,他的做法是把大多數董事給撤換掉。這一次,為了不想再和賈伯斯角力、以及某些私人原因,伍拉德覺得,是他辭去蘋果董事長職務的時候了。但在他正式卸任前,童事會終究批准了四家蘋果專賣店的試行計畫。 不過,還是有一位董事是鼎力支持賈伯斯的,就是1999 年受賈伯斯邀請加入的「零售王子」崔斯勒。出身紐約布朗克斯的崔斯勒是 Gap 執行長,他將這家原來死氣沉沉的成衣連鎖店,變身為美國休閒文化代表企業,他也是當今世上少數能夠在設計、品牌形象及消費者吸引|力上,與賈伯斯並駕齊驅的企業領袖之一。 ──苹果董事会的变革历史,也非常有意思,值得关注 艾利森的甲骨文公司,當時正在開發一種手持式的收銀系統,讓賣場不必再設置一堆收銀櫃樓。每次去原型店時,賈伯斯都會逼艾利森仔細思考,如何才能讓結帳流程更為精簡,減少一些不必要的步驟,例如要顧客拿出信用卡或是列印紙本收據等。 只要看一眼蘋果的專賣店或蘋果的產品,你就會發現,賈伯斯對 『簡單就是美』有多麼著迷,連專賣店的結帳流程也必須符合包浩斯